
A random second post

In just, we'll say, the last 20 months, can you believe the items they have come out with for pregnant Moms...now they have lime margarita flavored drink mixes (from Crystal Lite and Target brands) and Gummi PreNatal vitamins, which include DHA...I mean, REALLY!?...That is sooo freaking awesome.

BTW, I also found out today that there are sugar free Twizzlers available for the masses, but, then again, how good can sugar free Twizzlers be?  Can they still make your mouth happy? (R)

Again --REALLY!?!?

I am just dying to see what else they come up with before my potential to have baby #2 is at the door...and since that's a long ways away, they have some time-- but I really want to have some awesome breakthroughs...

Sitting here jealous of pregnant Momma products, but not jealous enough to have another baby..., if that even makes sense...?

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